
Always Connecting

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We've only been around for 30 years and
we're already thinking about six decades

LOTES Co., Ltd. places a premium on sustainable corporate development, and while striving for operational performance and growth, we also urge ourselves to fulfill our social corporate responsibility by implementing the indicators in the three main areas of ethical management, social care and environmental sustainability, creating a positive industrial cycle and strengthening our own influence to meet the demands and expectations of our internal and external stakeholders.

After a long-term and concerted effort, we were awarded the Top 35% of the 8th Corporate Governance Rating of the Taiwan Stock Exchange and the Silver Medal of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) in 2023.

Stay Focused, Adopt a Multi-faceted Strategy

In order to enhance the company's ESG performance, LOTES has established a Sustainability Implementation Committee and a dedicated team to collect stakeholders' concerns on environmental protection, occupational safety, supply chain management, labor rights, operational performance and corporate governance, etc., and to appropriately address important sustainability issues, and through annual reporting of ESG implementation results to the Board of Directors, we have strengthened the Board's involvement in the promotion of ESG results.
Executive Secretary
Management Division Manager
Green Operations
Manufacturing Division, R&D Department
Production Technology Division, Equipment Center
Industrial Engineering Office
Social Co-Prosperity
Management, Sales divisions
QC, Materials divisions
Market Development, HR divisions
Corporate Governance
Finance, Business Management divisions
Information Division, Legal & Intellectual Property Office
President's Office
Risk Management
Level 1 Unit Officer


Protecting the Planet is a Matter of Urgency
The impact of climate change is becoming increasingly evident, and energy saving and carbon reduction is now a common goal for businesses. LOTES has pushed itself to introduce the ISO 14064 greenhouse gas inventory system at the factory and used third party verification to ensure the validity of the inventory. On the other hand, we are taking every opportunity to put clean energy to work by building solar power systems and initiating tree planting projects.
4249.9 tonnes of emissions
4249.9 tonnes of CO2e emissions reduced in 2023
Savings of 26,827.51GJ
26,827.51GJ saved in electricity in 2023
2,462,973Kwh of electricity generation
2,462,973Kwh of solar power generated in 2023
We are an advocate of green buildings and will continue to expand our solar installations on the premises to maximize energy sustainability.
Source: Specific data on carbon reduction results for some factory areas.
On this bountiful land, we are grateful for and cherish the resources brought by nature. For the sustainable use of water resources and the prevention of waste pollution, each plant has devised control plans at different levels to improve the green cycle.

Zero Pollution Ambition

No industrial wastewater is discharged from the plant during the production process

AAO Process

The plant's domestic wastewater is treated with the AAO process, which has a good effect of nitrogen and phosphorus removal.

100% Effort

100% recycling of industrial waste such as metal scrap, paper and plastic at each plant
We believe in goodness and do not allow our products to cause unnecessary harm to the environment and society. From sourcing to production, we comply with the environmental and safety requirements of many relevant regulations and proceed with optimization under the international management system standards ISO14001 and RBA, in order to become part of a green supply chain and enhance our contribution to the issues of sustainability.
  1. Pledge to supply products free of substances of very high concern (SVHC) as declared by REACH
  2. Only work with suppliers who can offer third-party environmental testing reports on materials
  3. Establish HSF management mechanism with material suppliers to step up risk control
Annual greenhouse gas emissions, water and electricity consumption and total waste weight
Greenhouse gas
emissions (tonnes CO2
Category 1Category 2Category 3HazardousNon-hazardous

Conflict Minerals Policy

Comply with regulations and put people first
Protect the Earth's environment and ban conflict minerals
Rare metals such as cassiterite, wolframite, coltan, cobalt, copper and gold in the Democratic Republic of Congo are known as "conflict minerals" due to the serious human rights and environmental issues arising from their extraction, as they may be used in electronic products such as information and communications devices. In line with our corporate social responsibility, LOTES has incorporated the prohibition of conflict minerals into its procurement requirements. LOTES also conducts surveys on raw materials and products provided by suppliers, and actively works with customers and suppliers to require suppliers to pledge and sign a non-conflict minerals contact letter and a conflict-free metals survey form (which must be traced back to the name of the smelter) to ensure that parts and products do not contain "conflict minerals" from the DRC and neighboring countries.


Partnership for Prosperity and Mutual Benefit
In an interdependent ecosystem, we believe that caring and giving back can lead to a positive development of society. LOTES attaches great importance to human resources development, taking care of the health of our fellow employees and creating a harmonious workplace. We have also reviewed the safety of our products through a number of certifications and engaged closely with community organizations to help and grow together.
Health Care and Safety
Conduct regular staff health checks and ensure occupational safety in accordance with ISO 45001
Mutual Growth and Benefit
Assist staff to broaden their horizons by providing on-the-job training in four main areas: orientation, specialist training, level-specific training and personal development
Two-way Communication for Better Management
Listen to and understand staff's feelings and make adjustments accordingly through a multi-channel grievance mechanism
Building the Future - the Right People for the Right Job
Respect individual wishes, steer employees towards their goals, fulfillment and development, and create sustainable partnerships
The team is the company's greatest asset, and LOTES has created a friendly environment for the protection of human rights by adhering to the principles enshrined in human rights conventions such as the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Declaration of the International Labor Organization (ILO) on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Human rights policy: prohibition of child labor, freedom of choice of occupation, working hours, wages and benefits, humane treatment, non-discrimination, freedom of association
We are committed to providing quality products, and with the ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and QC080000 systems in place to monitor quality, we guarantee that our employees work in a hazard-free environment throughout the design and production process, and that we manufacture products that meet safety and green standards.

100% EU RoHS compliant

All LOTES products are RoHS compliant, which means that the levels of 10 hazardous substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in our products are below the limit values, which is a real contribution to human health and environmental protection.
Where there's a will, there's a way. All LOTES business locations do their best to reach out to the community and have good rapport with local charities. In 2021, the company's donations amounted to approximately NT$2 million, giving us a sense of satisfaction in doing our part for the community.
  1. In response to the initiative by the Guangfu Church of the Baptist Convention, we donated NT$100,000 to support the Hope Elementary School in India.
  2. Contributed NT$160,000 to the Keelung City Government for low-income households.
  3. Sponsored NT$20,000 to the Zhilun Volunteer Service Association in Keelung City for providing meals to the elderly.
Guangzhou / Zhongshan Factory
  1. Scholarship for children of employees.
Suzhou Plant
  1. Participating in a blood donation event.
  2. Donating NT$87,200 to Xiangcheng District Charity Association.
  3. Community volunteer service: Getting close to Yongchangjing Huayuan, caring for the elderly, and spreading warmth.
Vietnam Plant
  1. Donating 50 gifts during the festive season to celebrate the New Year with the residents of Tairui Community.


Honesty and Dedication
LOTES (stock code: 3533) received a top 35% rating in the 8th Corporate Governance Evaluation organized by the Taiwan Stock Exchange, meaning that it is above par in terms of protecting shareholders' rights, board structure and information transparency.

To uphold the principles of corporate governance, we have an open and transparent procedure for the election of directors and have strengthened the monitoring function of the Board of Directors by establishing independent directors, among other measures. By adhering to the principles of fairness and safeguarding the interests of investors and other stakeholders, LOTES prohibits directors, managers and persons privy to material information about the company as a result of their business activities from profiting from information that is not available in the market. LOTES has established a comprehensive information disclosure system, publishing information on operations, finances, board meetings and shareholders' meetings on the company's website and Market Observation Post System reporting system to ensure that shareholders have access to up-to-date information about the company.

Good faith is the core philosophy of LOTES. With this belief in mind, we are committed to pursuing every indicator of corporate social responsibility, with the goal of becoming a solid, values-based and sustainable company.

Female and male employees account for 39.3% and 60.7% of the Company's workforce, respectively. *

2023 Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Rating Top 35%

2024 Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Silver Medal